SCP Lesourd

Since 1970


Guy Lesourd was appointed in 1970, after having been a member of the Paris Bar for eight years.

In 1980, he joined forces with Daniel Baudin, who died in 1996, and, in 2014, with his son, Cyrille Lesourd.
The structure of the firm guarantees a direct and effective relationship with the partners. In addition to their very high level of expertise, the firm relies on a core group of employee barristers and specialized jurists, completed by external consultants.

The firm is at ease in all branches of law, such as private and public business law, commercial law, fiscal law, competition and regulation law, banking and financial law, property law, and employment and social security law.


Guy Lesourd

Guy Lesourd

Guy Lesourd was born in Lyon and is a graduate of “Science Po Paris” (economic and financial section) and a doctor in law, with a thesis in literary and artistic property relating to "moral rights after the death of the author".
He has been a member of the board of the “Ordre des avocats au Conseil d’Etat et à la Cour de cassation” and is the most senior “avocat aux Conseils”.
He is a knight of the “Légion d’honneur” and of the “Ordre national du mérite”.
Cyrille Lesourd

Cyrille Lesourd

Cyrille Lesourd has a “DEA” (LLM) from the University of Paris II (Panthéon-Assas) and an LLM from Mc Gill University (Montreal, Quebec, Canada).
He was a member of the Paris Bar from 2001 to 2014, during which time he wrote a study on access to justice in South Africa, worked for one year with a criminal law firm and for eleven years for several “avocats aux Conseils”.